5 Dirty Tricks Insurance Companies Use To Deny And Devalue Medical Malpractice Claims

Medical providers typically carry professional liability insurance. If you were injured in Georgia due to a medical professional’s negligence, you deserve to recover compensation for your injuries and damages from the negligent medical professional’s insurance company. However, just because you deserve to be fairly compensated does not mean you are guaranteed to recover fair compensation in your medical malpractice claim. The negligent medical professional’s insurance company might use dirty tricks to devalue or deny your claim. Remember, insurance companies are out to make profits just like other businesses.
Below, we look at some tricks insurance companies use to deny and devalue medical malpractice claims.
Calling You Soon After Your Injury
The insurance company could do this for a variety of reasons. For example, the insurance company could do this to catch you off guard before you’ve had a chance to hire an attorney. The insurance company may also do this to catch you off guard in a vulnerable situation after a traumatic experience or before you’ve had time to understand the full extent of your injuries. Insurance companies know that when a victim doesn’t have an attorney, is vulnerable, or doesn’t understand the full extent of their injuries, it is easy for them to accept a low offer. No matter how nice you think an insurance adjuster is, it’s crucial to remember that they are not your friend. Don’t let your guard down and accept an unfair amount.
Telling You That You Are Better off Not Hiring an Attorney
The truth is that attorneys possess knowledge the insurance company doesn’t want you to know about. The truth is that attorneys have skills that the insurance company knows could help you. Don’t listen to the insurance company when it tells you that you are better off without an attorney.
Asking for a Recorded Statement
The negligent medical professional’s insurance company might ask you to give a recorded statement on your claims of what happened. It might seem reasonable for the insurance company to want to get your side of the story, but the truth is that giving a recorded statement rarely helps you. Insurance companies often use examiners who know how to ask questions in a manner that can lead to vague or misleading answers. Giving such answers can harm your case and result in the insurance company devaluing or denying your claim.
Referring You to an Independent Medical Examiner
An Independent Medical Examination (IME) may be ordered if your injuries are in dispute or the insurance company wants to confirm the nature of your injuries. However, although classified as “independent,” IMEs typically lack objectivity. The doctor that the insurance company selects to conduct your IME could give an unfavorable but incorrect conclusion to the insurance company that results in the insurance company devaluing or denying your medical malpractice claim.
Misrepresenting the Law on What You Are Entitled To Seek for Damages
The insurance company might tell you that you cannot seek compensation for pain and suffering. It is vital that you avoid accepting legal advice from the insurance company. Let your medical malpractice attorney be the one to advise you on which damages you are entitled to seek and which you cannot seek.
Contact an Atlanta Medical Malpractice Attorney
If you’ve suffered an injury due to medical negligence and need help recovering the compensation you deserve, contact our qualified Atlanta medical malpractice attorney at Carroll Law Firm.